Privacy Policy

We recognize the importance of information privacy. This documentdescribes what personal information we receive and collect when you use thesite. We hope this information will help you make informed decisions about thepersonal information you provide to us.

Publicly available information
If you simply browse the site without registering, no information aboutyou is published on the site. When you write or edit material on the site, youpublish every word of what you have written, and that information will bestored and shown to other visitors to the project. This applies to articles, helpful tips, materials, users personal pages, comments, etc.

Identification of visitors
You may or may not register on the site. If you register, you will beidentified by your member name. This can be your real name (if you want it) oryou can choose to post under a pseudonym - the name you used when you createdyour account. Other registered visitors to the site will be able to see theinformation you provided when you registered.

The email address you provide at registration will not be shown to othervisitors to the site. We may store emails and other emails sent by users so wecan follow up on user inquiries, respond to requests and improve our services.

When you visit the site, one or more cookies are sent to your computer.This is a small file that contains character sets and helps identify yourbrowser. When you register on the site, additional cookies may be sent to yourcomputer to avoid having to re-enter your username (and possibly your password)the next time you visit. You can erase them at the end of your session if youare using a public computer and do not want to reveal your nickname tosubsequent users of the computer (in which case you should also clear yourbrowser cache). We use cookies to enhance our services by preserving userpreferences and to track trends in user activity, such as when performingsearches. Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies, but you maychoose not to accept cookies altogether or you may choose to be notified when acookie is sent. However, without cookies, some site features may not functionproperly.

Each time you visit our site, our servers automatically record theinformation that your browser transmits when you visit web pages. Typically,this information includes the web page requested, the computer's IP address,browser type, browser language settings, date and time of the request, and oneor more cookies that uniquely identify your browser.

Links on this site may be in a format that allows us to track whethervisitors use them. This information is used to improve the quality of ouradvertising.

Changes to our privacy policy
Please note that this privacy policy may change from time to time. All privacy policy changes areposted on this page.
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